kryon Dallas 2015 March 1 "The Weather"

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Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

kryon Dallas 2015 March 1 "The Weather"

Сообщение stalkerb »

Dallas 2015 March 1 "The Weather"

Сообщения: 683
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

Re: kryon Dallas 2015 March 1 "The Weather"

Сообщение stalkerb »

Greating, dear ,ones I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
my partner has learned
to step aside , he is a pause that happens after the greeting
and some of you have noticed, the man
in the chair is here for the greeting, this is the signal and the sign
that he's safe to retrieve, channeling
you call it the mailed
with the other side of the veil is instinctive,
if you search
your intuition there are those of you who would say I would like
that for myself not for others ,I would like to be able to create a situation
where I could feel the love of God inside me
or I could speak in this fashion
to myself to my cells, is it intuitive
we have also told you
that the old energy support to this kind of channeling
and the new energy well not ,and eventually they'll be a generation
where this is not the case in you do not gather and listen
to channeling you will listen instead to information
just like you do now, but the discernment
engine in you will be just as high has
anything that my partner channels and that this will go away because it is not
that the intuitive news up the process
will become you, eventually in time
were innake builds the bridge with human consciousness and cellular structure
where again I say you can be your own medical intuitive
your own spiritual counselor, your master
will show, it's not that far away as we measure
the time of civilizations ,it will be subtle and not for all
and you'll have the wisdom not to shout
that you have it ,and instead you will turn it
it to good things- wisdom
joy love long life and health
things are different than you imagine
that they might be, the wisdom factor that we have talked about will arise
when civilization has more wisdom
it will not be afraid that things
it is a afraid off now we've told you that world population
is not to be feared you'll have the wisdom to control it,
you'll understand a more about the process
overcrowding and you will do what some of the other planets have done
the wisdom will create
just the right population, you can control
the number of children you have by yourself with wisdom
you can have zero population growth on the planet
even if you living a long time, its wisdom
there are so many things that you're afraid of
how you're going to feed everyone where the fresh water is
coming from
and how to get rid of the disease,I would like to promise you to come a time
when those are no longer even in your vocabulary
they'll be non issues
because you figured it out ,you figured it out because
you have an evolved in mind that started becoming not smarter
but wiser, the wisdom
is that which would then create compassion
instead of
anger or jealousy and that changes the planet
we have told you that there's
energy in consciousness what we did not tell you are the many shades
up the energy in consciousness , some more powerful than others
with compassion is at the top it is the one that will push the things
the fastest fears at the bottom fear would appear to have a great deal
energy but the truth is it robs you
of all energy and gives it to someone else
for you it robs you of your health , 0f your well-being
a of your centeredness and gives it to someone else
these are the things that we have talked you
for a long time
you sit in a new energy it's time to reveal things
we have spoken of
ideally before perhaps in passing ,but it's time for celebration
of the human being ,you cannot see
what we projected, not yet , yhat took up a time again
when you realize that peace on earth is
attainable right now when you take a look at the world as it is
it is anything but what you would consider, and what we can say to you
as things are not always as they seen, we celebrate the human
for the potentials the future getting through that
which you are experiencing now and you will, in the process we like to remind
that this planet is working
benevolently in your favor, and when I say this planet
I'm really mean this planet, it wasn't long ago
that we gave you the entire history
of earth, you might say
sounded geological but it was more than that it was a celebration
about pollution in that channel
we told you how the earth literally was created at the same time
everything else was in your Galaxy, we describe to you
how life was literally put all of over and over again
we told you how you lost one sun
told you how the earth cooled slowly
volcanoes continued to erupt
even when life was here canceling its nothing it out over and over
we told you that even before your life
got a foothold that those on other planets had civilizations
you were last
and finally at almost the 11th
hour when life started to grab a hold
and photosynthesis became a reality
the balance oxygen begin
and then we told you that we enhanced an accelerated
your evolution with the help of
the pleadians now it is time
to bring it up to speed up what is happening now
and in the future, what we wish to do now is to continue that story
and tell you about the weather.
you would be rhetorical question and a comedy
a comedic one if I ask any of you view
if you've noticed the differences between the weather
when you were growing up and the weather now ,you have also seen those who would
explain it
because it is an issue , you've seen those who are afraid a it
because their fear, you've seen those who disagree with it
because they're uncertain what it means I want to tell you what it means
I wanna give you that which is
concrete so that you don't have to wonder what Kryon has said
about the weather let us start
with the fact that this earth goes through cycles
the cycles are part over the life force
up the planet and they aren't necessary for the planet
to exist, like there are cycles for you
where you need to have them in order to exist there
is a cycle for the planet and the main cycle
for this planet is temperature, over and over the planet has featured what you
would call
ice ages and some of them have been severe
the planet changed over a great amount of time
to a place that was perfect and serene and beautiful
for you with the temperature was just right
for you. part of the reason that life was put off for so long
was because the what was in your solar system, the massive amounts of particles
because of a lost sun and broken up planets create asteroids that continued
to hit this planet for they were in the sweet spot
of pear orbit over in over they kept striking
and it seemed like millions have used would go by and there would be another
and a time I'm when they all had struck
that would and there were no more in that particular sweet spot
and life began, you remain in the sweet spot
and the ice ages came and went
average have three to five million years between each one
there were a lot of them, the planet
breeds a certain way and cycles a certain way
for certain reasons until you got here.
here you are human being you pass to precession of the equinoxes is
send a signal
to us that you're going to stay
the last
ice age was millions of years ago and you're not threatened by another one
of its magnitude it's far away, but there
is something that happens in between the major
ice ages and they're called mini ice ages
and they come and they go as part of the flow and the cycle up the planet
as well ,any science
who studies the weather accurately
unbiasedly who looks
at the core samples of the ice and the Rings
of the trees will know that what I am Telling You
is the planet going through cycles
there are many ice ages in the middle
a the big ones on a regular basis
the last time you had one was in the 1600
Europe felt it
the famous river
in London froze and
it did not kill civilizations, it was simply
uncomfortable. I would like to tell you something. in the cycles
that ice age that we call a mini ice age
should not be coming soon, it's not time for it yet
and the scientists will tell you that
when they look at the cores and the rang
it's not time for another mini ice age
therefore when we tell them they're wrong
it's coming they are reticent
to believe it ,they will call on any other things because it's not time yet
the cycle has not gone through its time yet
like worker I want to give you the best news I've ever heard
you're in the middle a mini ice age
and I'm gonna tell you why it's the best news
it's coming just like it did in the sixteen hundreds but this one is way too
it has been accelerated and I'll give you the reason why and you need to hear
and I hope you dance a jig when you hear
you have been told you're killing your oceans
they're dying you overfished the reefs are crumbling
and because it's not time for this to happen
therefore you have assigned all manner of things to it
but what humans always do if anything goes wrong
you're responsible
you did not
cause the weather change that you're starting to see
you didn't make it any better by what you did
but you didn't cause it
use it any clearer than that
you didn't cause it but it here
what caused it something special caused it and I'll tell you what caused it
would you send the signal that your stay that's what caused it
and here's what it does
eventually you're a biologist
are going to discover a cycle of life they don't know about yet
the vast unknown
the frontier that is
unexplored is your oceans, and you don't know what you don't know,
but I would like to tell you that
and Arctica is this seed of so much
of the new life on this planet, it's carried
from Antarctica in underwater currents
whose temperatures are different from those around them
who affect them the travel under the ice
spill into parts of the ocean through temperature layers
and cycles above the earth .and that if the earth
needs to go through many Ice cycles it's for one reason
the little mini ice ages are to advance
new life in the ocean, you're not due for one yet
because you weren't gonna stay and as soon as you showed us you were
your weather started changing, the temperature of the ocean is creating a
new life
this will be proved to you when the reefs
come alive again
when there are too many fish and it's happening, I sit here with the prediction
that the oceans will come alive
again before their time was to come alive and the reason
is for temperature shifts and the mini ice age it is coming at you now
it's going to get colder, celebrated
and you're gonna have food because of it .I sit here and share with my partner
and he's listening
you wish they had said
and because he's wondering if it's gonna happen
you see even he doubt something
too far hatched as he would say
using his words did all that you're seeing is about the creation
of food in the sea, I want you to watch for it
much if it is going to happen on your watch dear one
and when it does and you see the anomalies
of the return apply remediation
on the reefs by themselves
you remember this change, there maybe
does who study the climate who may be wanting to hear this
look into it and see some of the anomalies\
travel to Antarctica do some measurement start to see
what life is like under the ice, and there's a lot ices there
you said they wouldn't be, those who believe the earth is warming
are correct because there is a warming cycle before
each and every mini ice age
this is the way it works
but this one is too soon and now you know why
we encourage those especially in the north
to go against
the protocol that says that you should not have a wood-burning stove
because the pollution and pass the laws that would allow it for emergency
and get one, because the
grid fails its all you're gonna have, when the grid fails
it all your day keeping warm
is going to be important in certain parts this country and others
and you're not prepared, that's just
something we want to say yet again
to those who might be listening we know
where we are, it doesn't necessarily
apply to you in Texas .all
but it will get cold
we celebrate you
what you've done
I want you to look at this
consciousness change the weather
changed the weather, tool for kid
you're a master I want you done
we're in love with humanity
for good reason, and so it is
Сообщения: 683
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

Re: kryon Dallas 2015 March 1 "The Weather"

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