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Непрочитанное сообщение Love »

transcription by Alison member/Alison/
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Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
Can you feel the message? Did you hear the theme of the songs and the lyrics that were there? There is so much that can be said with music. Channeling is music. And the message is clear. That there is not a puzzle before you, not any more, but instead a reality that you can reach out and touch if you choose, and perhaps the music has softened your heart. And you might have a recognition, a realization that you are larger than you think. Tonight’s channeling is simple, not long. I want to set the stage, I want give you some history, I want to tell you the way it is. All of you assembled in this place, in the shadow of a mountain, would normally feel the energy of what we would call Gaia. Gaia is one of the attributes of the human being, it’s alive with humanity, it speaks to humanity, in a beautiful way, nature, by itself, would be beautiful to you and you could sit and watch it and hear it speak to you. But here, oh, there’s more.
How do you explain the history of this place, even within your lifetime. How do you explain the pilgrimage of those who would come, to go up the mountain and just sit on the soil of the planet and put out their hands, and just listen.
How do you explain the energies that are felt there and have been for so long, so many people have come, over tens of thousands, just to sit and listen. There is more than meets the eye. And that is what we wish to speak of in a very elementary way, a simple way, perhaps repeating a story that some of you have heard before, but this we want others to hear as well.
I know where I am. All of the things that have taken place to this point is a setup for today, for tomorrow, for the future.
And it is more profound than you know, or esoteric than you can believe, these things happen slowly and some of you are feeling them now. There is a beauty in the room and I want you to feel it. The messages of those of the day have all been that there is more here than meets the eye. It’s more than a recalibration, much more. I want to take you back. In an ancient time, in the creation story that we have given so many times before, the beauty of it, the appropriateness of it, the love of it, where a system has existed in this galaxy that would allow, literarily, for the extension of God within sentient beings.
We have told you that this is the only planet of free choice, that one at a time, in this galaxy, planets come on line, you might say, to use your words, not with a test, not with a test, a test is something you pass or fail, no, it is an experience, that you could do with what you choose.
In order for this to work, humanity had to be seeded and changed from simple biology. You were ready. It wasn’t that long ago, we told you. If you want to track it back to the very beginnings of Pleiadian involvement 200,000 years, not that long. If you want to track it back to, really, where the cultures began and humans started to shift and change, not that long, 30,000-40,000, not that long. If you want to track back, to what we want to speak of, when it was ripe and ready, for the first civilization that was uniquely isolated, approximately 26,000 years. The Pleiadians came, dear ones, all over the planet and greeted you and seeded you and became part of you and they changed your DNA. This is the creation story, it is all over the planet, the indigenous habit, ask them. Sometimes the extension of it, the metaphors of it, wind up in your scriptures. It is the same story, dear ones, the human beings, standing ready sentient, beautiful, evolved, were given the knowledge of dark and light. That is the creation story and it came from the stars and we’ve told you this before.
It is not odd, it is not unusual, and you are not the first. The Pleiadians had what we would call a planet that was in ascension, they had discovered quantum energy, they knew how to get here in an eye flash. Did you ever see a Pleiadian ship? I would like to tell you something, it is something they’ve designed because you wanted to see it. (Laughs) They can be here in an eye flash.
In an entangled state with one another you can go anywhere instantly. And this is what you will eventually discover, for this planet is ready. It begins slowly, and it did with them, they had the same kind of history you did, I want you to know this.
When parents go through their childhood and they grow and they become mature, they find their partners and they have children, they impart upon their children their wisdom of what happened to them. And the Pleiadians, they had a history like you did. But after a very long time, when they had turned the same kind of corner you did, when they had created peace on their planets, there’s three of them, they came together and found you, the next planet of free choice. We’ve told you before, they had their seed parents and their seed parents had their seed parents. If you want to take a look at your grandparents and your parents of the grandparents, you are talking millions of years before you had life as you know it on the planet. You are the new kids on the block. Life has not been here that long, and you know that, you’re new. All of the history of the planet has happened so quickly, you’ve gone through the machinations of immaturity. You’ve come and gone, almost destroying yourselves four times, rebuilding, destroying, rebuilding, destroying, until it comes to this, the fifth rebuild, only you didn’t destroy. The prophecy said you would, and you did not.
I am Kryon, I came here 24 years ago. Right after the Harmonic Convergence, right after that, which was the potential you would pass the marker, which you did. But I want to tell you the history. Lemuria, founded by the Pleiadians, was like a pressure cooker, because no one could escape. And so unlike some of the other civilizations on the planet, which were also being developed through Lemurians and through Pleiadians, now did you hear that right? You see I am going to tell you something you have not heard before. I would like to give you a picture that you won’t understand. You have heard conflicting information, even from me. But it doesn’t conflict. Only in 3D, does it conflict. Who is in the mountain? Lemurians or Pleiadians? (Laughs) I’m going to give you the answer, and how it works. There was a special kind of human being on Lemuria, not necessarily that advanced in certain ways, not culturally advanced, beginners in human culture, they had dynasties instead of democracies. But they had a different kind of dimensionality than you do, for their starting DNA was at 50%, that is fair. And from there it could anywhere, it could allow it to go upwards, and the higher the percentage of functional DNA, the higher the evolvement of consciousness in the sentient being. Human nature is variable, dear ones, it is not static. You were told it’s static. It changes with civilizations, which decide on their own to enhance their DNA to a higher functional level and in that functionality, it opens dimensionality, and when that starts, dear ones, everything changes. It is a door that opens and you cannot close it, and you are about to open it, this is year one. The Pleiadians made sure that the Lemurians had functional DNA to 50%. Now this you won’t understand. But a functional DNA of 50% is more than life extension, it is life within life. The Pleiadians lived within the Lemurians. And you don’t know how that works. You will. How is it possible for DNA to change to a certain degree where you’re not yourself. Do you mean to say that my own soul was not my own soul, that it was interfered with some other soul from another planet, and we were in there together somehow? Yes. And you’ll say, well, I’m not sure I like that! Because you’re not experienced, not really, not now, but some of you did. And you know what it feels like, you strived for that. You want to know what you are missing? That’s what you’re missing. Why is that you sit and say, God, there’s got to be more, fill me up, there’s got to be more. And you know there is, Lemurian old soul, you know there is. That’s what you’re missing, you’re about to break out of 3D. It may take generations, it doesn’t matter, you are going to be here, old soul, it doesn’t matter, you may not look like you do now, but you are going to be here. You’re going to participate in all of it, all of it. It’s beautiful, ask a Pleiadian, it’s beautiful. When Lemuria was finished and it was time to exit, the canoes took to the ocean, and they were Lemurians with accompanying Pleiadian multidimensional consciousness. I told you wouldn’t understand. This is who they were. And they went so many different places on the planet, the currents took them all over the ocean, they touched base on so many of the continents, South America, the islands on the way to and from, the coasts of the United States and others. They went inland and they saw Shasta. Now here’s where it gets good. The part of the Lemurian which was multidimensional made some decisions based upon what might happen on the planet by design. They put themselves into the mountain, what you would call a time capsule, not to them, you see time is not the same for them.
Are they Lemurian or are they Pleiadian? And the answer is yes. It’s beautiful. It is not odd, it is not strange. Imagine the love of one race that would come and infuse you with their divinity, change your DNA, fuse chromosomes two and three together so you were nothing like any other mammal on the planet, and move forward, and sit and wait.
I want to introduce you to a woman that I wish to honor on this stage tonight, Aurelia Louise Jones. Aurelia I want you to come and sit at my feet, and I want the seers in the room to watch the energy, because she is here. She has been waiting for this moment, and the years where she didn’t feel good, didn’t matter, not now, for she is here. When she came to this place, this woman saw them. In an older energy it is very difficult when you see the things not to 3D-ize them. She met Adamas. He told her about Telos, the name of the city, and all of these things are metaphors, they’re beautiful, Louise. I want to honor you right now for publishing the information that today we can look back on and say, you were right dear, and everything revolves around what you said and what’s going to happen. And we thank you. Time to honor the forerunners of this information, for she told us what Adamas said. Yes, Louise expected a city, a real city, a 3D city, yes, she expected to see them in corporeal fashion because this was an old energy attribute that does not metaphorize things, they looked so real and they did to her, she saw them, and reported them in the Telos books you can find today everywhere. Louise, you were right, they were always there. There is a prophecy, she said, that Adamas told her. The one who was delegated to give the messages from the mountain is still here.
There is an excitement happening in this place, because it’s year one. The Pleiadians, they remember their history, they have written it down, they celebrate it, there are certain times of their years where they celebrate their passing over into a new energy, passing over into a promised land, the metaphor of the city on the hill, a time that those spiritual said might happen, would expect it to happen, should you get to a place where you could pass over an old energy, a slavery to conquering and hatred, it’s going to change, slow it is, dear ones, but you have passed this marker. Now Aurelia, what did Adamas tell you, that there would come a day when the Pleiadians would come out of the mountain and they would walk the streets of Shasta. This is the metaphor, do not be confused by it, that says there is a time when the energy of creation would be allowed to develop in a multidimensional form and be part of you again, to get messages to you, slowly, to be part of your evolution, slowly, for you to feel them come back inside you and change human nature, are you you or are you going to be them, and the answer is yes. You will know what I talk about. I want you to ask Elijia something. Elijia walked into the field and he ascended, by choice. He ascended.
Now here’s the question, Elijia, where’s your dead body, are you dead or are you alive? Yes. You, dear human being, in a 3D corporeal form of singularity, do not understand these answers. But I tell you, if you look and read between the lines and look in the cracks, you are going to ask yourself, Elijia, he is like the Pleiadians he’s not dead, there was no body, he just changed dimensionality.
And so did the Lemurians, who went in the mountain. That dimensionality is going to be shared very slowly with you, through the time capsules that we have talked about, through inventions that are starting to be given to you, through awarenesses, through pineal tones, through facilitations, all manner of things to be delivered to you over the next two to three generations, are coming. You see Aurelia what you started? I want you to honor this woman, it’s her time.
I told my partner, go back to Shasta, go back to Shasta on year one and honor her, and honor those in the mountain. Some of you have been up there and felt them. There is excitement in the mountain, for they know what you’ve done, what you’re going through, and also the issues of recalibration, they know. Some of you are not comfortable in your skin, they know, they went through it. You thought you knew what the New Age was, you thought you knew what energy was, you thought you were just fine with it, and then suddenly everything shifted. That’s as it should be, you cannot remain in 3D, in an old energy, feeling the same way, doing the same things. Kryon, when is it getting back to normal, it isn’t. Normal, you’re going to change. This is a message filled with love. If the Pleiadians are your loving multidimensional parents from the stars, just like they had theirs, if this is true, dear ones, can you feel what they must feel right now, having waited so long for you to awaken to the knowledge of the reality that Louise was writing.
What if you were parents and had to wait that long for your kids to wake up. Some of you feel you have. And when they did, what would you say to them? When they recognized you as parents, as the loving people that you are to them giving birth to you and they don’t even know it. Can you imagine the reunion. I want you to feel this, mom, dad. That’s what’s going to go on in the mountain. When you go up there, when you’re looking for them, you are not looking for them, they are looking for you. There’s a reunion here. And it’s a multidimensional one. You may feel odd, and you may not feel exactly the same, and you may wonder what even happened. That’s the love of God in a system that is here to stay. Finally, let me just say, yet again, over and over. Kryon why do you repeat so much, because you are not listening.
Don’t measure your growth by what you see on the news, the news will change eventually. I want you to look in the cracks, at the good things that are on this planet, that are developing, the joy, the peace, the young people not wanting to repeat what their elders have said they should repeat in hatred. I want you to look at these things, clearly, esoterically, and see the truth. Things are changing. The ones who are invested in the old energy, in the lack of integrity in all the systems you have, will try to pull you backwards. And we have told you this over and over. And that’s what’s going to get your attention, not the good stuff. And some of you are going to wring your hands and say it’s not true, it’s not happening. I will say, just relax and let it be. They haven’t got a chance. This is what I want you to know. The old energy, what you would call the darkness of the way things in a lower consciousness work, will fight you, and they don’t have a chance. Not any more. I never told you that before now because the potentials where you had to pass the marker before I could tell you, they don’t have a chance, and now they don’t. Yes, you can control your own future, yes, there is no predestination, but this snowball is rolling, and it is collecting new human beings, new old souls, who are awaking every single day. How many of you here have never been to a meeting like this before? Don’t raise your hands, I already know. And what brings you here? To watch this spooky stuff, the man in the chair, channeling an energy from the other side of the veil with a funny name that nobody ever heard of. And yet you’re here. Now do you feel what’s happening in the room? We are leaving now, we are infusing the room, however, with an entourage that is going to stay until the meetings are done, until the tones are all sung. I want you to feel us. I want to feel their arms around you. Let this be the beginning of the infusion of the Pleiadians in the mountain coming out to this auditorium. I want you to meet your parents. Aurelia, look what you started. This is our message, the beginning message of the conference. I want you to feel, I want you to truly understand the beauty, the simplicity and the reality of what took place. The design begins now, and you are part of it also. I want you to feel it and discern the truth of it. Don’t just take my word for it, don’t just say yes because around you there are others who are saying yes. I want you to go alone, and say to your own selves, is this really true? And let the cells in your body, who know all about the Pleiadians, vibrate with chills to say, finally you asked. That is the message of the day, go from this place, ready, ready to change, and so it is.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 апр 2012 22:22


Непрочитанное сообщение Love »

За транскрипцию говорим спасибо Alison


I am the wisdom of the feminine divine in honor of the wisdom of the masculine divine, speaking in these times of change to remind you of the unity that is possible within you now, to remind you of the unity that is possible within your world, to remind you of the unity that is possible in the universe.
We ask you to take a deep breath. Enjoy the feeling of filling your lungs with air, to be present in a physical body on this planet, in these times of change. There is much to see and to do at this time, and we wanted you to just take a moment to feel your physical body. For it is through this beautiful body that you wear that you express the energys of what it means to incarnate here upon planet Earth during these times of change. Now, in this time, you will begin to understand more of your history, more ancient than you have ever been taught before. As you begin to see the lineage that you have descended from, in comes the new ways of thinking, the new ways of being, even the new ways of feeling. There is a new bandwidth of emotions, a new way to feel.
We ask you, how much joy are you willing to feel, how much love can you take, how much compassion? The new bandwidth raises the resonance of the emotions of humanity, and as you enter into that bandwidth, you will begin to see more and more, in the eyes of everyone else, your own being. No longer poetic, philosophical possibility, but a reality that you cannot look away from. And when that happens, that resonance of unity with the new bandwidth of emotions that you will activate as you understand the lineage that is yours, not only as a human being, but also your lineage from the stars. Feel the truth of this. Upon that awareness we will then have the time of peace that was prophesized for this planet. You’re that close. Some gentle, loving guidance we have to offer you in our time together.
You will have more clarity and many of the conflicts will no longer exist. You will discover new skills within your own being, new ideals, new understandings, they are already showing within you. It is a time of testing, of learning, so yes, I understand there is a lineage that is mine, that is in each one of us, that connects us with the stars. The expectation is that the wisdom is greater. We ask you to understand, the wisdom you are opening with this new understanding is supported by the wisdom you have generated and learned here, incarnating as a human. As the knowledge opens to you of what is possible, that which has been a mystery will reveal the new ways of being, and you will respond with, “Oh, indeed, I always knew this, but now it is here in my daily life.”
We ask you as you discover the truth of your being, the new abilities, the new gifts, the new awarenesses, that you continue, enjoy them as they blossom, as they make themselves known. For you will be letting go of old ways of being, where you felt confined, constricted. And yet we will ask you to continue, to say yes, I understand, to become, to grow, but to keep the resonance growing, enjoy the path, but know the energy is going to increase, right of your life. Indeed it is. Mmm. Are you ready? Are you sure? Continue to do the very best that you can, continue to grow and define what integrity means to you, live it, be it, for the empowerment, for the energy to come. You waited for this moment, you actually held it back for a while, did you know that? You did it on purpose. For you felt you were not ready. And in these final moments and the turning point time is upon us, you understand the importance, that you have grown in integrity and strength. For the power you asked for and are receiving requires that you use it in great wisdom. Are you wise? Are you wise? Would you like to become wiser? Then we have this to say to you. You are in a moment where you may release the old restrictions much easier than you ever have before. What are you enslaved to? As you begin to speak the language of energy with greater clarity, you will also able to direct the energetic patterns of your life with greater ease and focus. You are free. You have always been free.
It is much like the story of the Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy is told, you always possessed the ability to go home. You have always possessed the ability to release that which you have perceived holds you tight. New freedoms, feel it, feel your band of ascension, the energy that surrounds your head in the area of the Third Eye. Feel the recalibration and the energetic strength through your spine to support you in these next steps. In this time, bring a visualization into the area of your Third Eye of that which you wish to release. Open your heart to the new bandwidth of emotions. Sit straight in your chair, star people, people of the earth, star people. Feel the energy of what it means to claim your lineage, to be more whole. Come in to the light of the new awareness, let go of the old restrictions, I must do this, I must be that, and be in the presence of who you are. Allow the merging, the merging of the two, male/female, light/dark, human/star person. Feel your wholeness, now, from you feet all the way up through up your body. Invite the resonance of infinite love to pulse through you. Continue, continue to nurture yourself each day, ever mindful that the moment you have waited for is now. Nurture yourselves, open to these new understandings. Let us share the favorite mantra of the channel, shall we?
Message from the infinite universe to the human: I am with you always, because I am you. (audience repeats)
Receive that into the cells of your body, receive that through the information and messages we have just given you. Receive your awareness of the infinite, in every cell of your body, in every layer of your DNA, in every light fiber of your being. Now comes the channel’s favorite part.
Message from the human to the infinite universe: I am with you always, because I am you. (audience repeats)
We assure you, we and the universe smile, for you are coming into a level of knowing and of being to join in the family of the universe. The universe of human is alive and well. It is you. The universe of human is ready for more.
In these moments that we share with you, we ask you to hold your hands up and to simply touch the energy around you, feel the pulsating, the vibration frequency that is here. Hold your hands upon your heart if you choose, and open to the new levels of energetic communication, multidimensional being that you are. It is in the energy of infinite love, enjoy. It will affirm to you. I am the wisdom of the feminine divine in honor of the wisdom of the masculine divine. We invite you into this residence. We ask you to say with the feeling in your heart: I am the wisdom of the feminine divine in honor of the wisdom of the masculine divine. I am the masculine divine in honor of the wisdom of the feminine divine. How do you feel? Mmmm. Together let us affirm: And so I am, and so I am.
Blessings in the energy of infinite love.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. And once again we address the obvious. In the shadow of the mountain, you gather. And the purpose of the place is the discussion at hand. And so this is the theme and will continue to be the theme for the duration of this visit. We broached some issues last night, about the history of who was in the mountain, why, and what may happen next. And so let us begin the teaching.
I wish to echo the teachings of the Pleiadians this night. And I’m going to title this brief message “The Three Steps to the Beginning of an Ascended Civilization of Humanity.” The three beginnings then. There are so many things that you could know, that you could learn, that you could be part of as the time capsules open, as the information starts to pour to you as you are able to receive. It starts to change human nature. This is the catalyst, dear ones, to a softer human being, to a softer civilization, to answers to issues that you have said are unsolvable. And for decades, the argument that has been before you about that which you would hear from channelers, and New Agers, and esoteric believers. It’s always been the same, it cannot be, because humans are not like that. Humans tend to see what it is, decide it always has been and that there is no solution, because there never has been one. There would be those who would look at human nature and civilization and say, it cannot change, it never has changed, it never will change. And, old soul, that is the fight, is it not? Because the very tools of civilization shift are at hand. As the DNA starts to work at a higher percentage, consciousness has new ideas. New ideas create different modalities, paradigms, that you have never thought of, ways of doing things that you have never thought of, solutions to age-old problems that you said could not be solved. So what kind of information do you think is going to pour out of those time capsules? And I am going to tell you right now what the Pleiadians want you to know. Only three things, and they are so simple.
You’ve got to walk before you run. And these things, although so simple, are exponentially difficult from one to the next. Just three for a starter. And the three instructions go to old souls, the ones who are here on purpose, the ones who know they are here on purpose, the ones who have come to hear the instructions. Do not take these lightly, even if you think you’ve heard them before. It’s the secret, the consciousness shift.
Let me ask you something, parents. You watch your children grow, teach them what you can. They learn to all of the things that a human being has to learn how to do, the first year, the second year. Starting about the third to fifth year, they have self awareness, and it begins, does it not? Ego control, the child becomes like an island, and they see themselves. Sometimes it is out of control, is it not? Because they go into protection mode, and survival mode, the “me” mode. Sometimes they are demanding, they have to have this, they have to have that. There is no awareness of anything else. That’s not the time to give them high physics, is it? It’s not the time to impart to them the wisdom of how to get a job, or how you should look, or talk, or act. You’ve got to deal with the basics. You’ve got to try to show them that there are things around them that are bigger than they are. And then in order for them to get to the next step, there has to be a bigger awareness besides me. You’ve got to take them out of survival mode. You getting the picture aren’t you, before I even begin. The first step.
We have said this before, you must pass through the singularity of survival. Survival consciousness creates fear, unbalance, isolationism, and single vision. Survival consciousness creates fear, unbalance, isolationism, and single vision. You surround yourself with your own bubble, because you are afraid of what is out there. And this is human consciousness, and it has been this way, until now. The first step is to get out of it, is to understand that you are no longer in this modality, that you can relax. Part of it is to trust yourself when others don’t trust themselves. All of this in step one is a claiming of a more mature human being than perhaps you even feel you are. You might say, well, I don’t really understand what you mean by survival consciousness. Let me give you an example. I’ll give it another word—conquering consciousness. You got to conquer everything, you got to win, you got to climb the mountain, you have to have victory, you have to have achievement in order to get to where you want to be. No you don’t.
I’m going to set the stage for number one, I just want to give you one of many examples. I want to bring it into your real experience. A change of consciousness on the planet is going to change everything, not just esoteric people, not just those who are spiritual. It’s going to change everything. It’s going to change the way business is done, governments are run, and politics.
Let us take the example of politics. A politician must conquer. And as they campaign, they campaign to conquer that which is you, they want your thoughts, they want you to decide that they are the best, they are conquering your opinion. Place after place they go, they pound the rostrum, they say what they need to say to conquer your mind, what your decision is. And after they have done that, they climb to the top, and they are victorious over their opponent. This is isolationism, do you see this? This is the way of it. You may say, well, that’s just normal. It’s normal for old energy.
Let me paint a picture just for a moment of what it could be, just in this one instance. Let us say that the conquering is dropped, and instead here is a politician who is soft-spoken. And this politician starts to talk about the wisdom of what they wish to do. They have a charismatic approach to bring you in perhaps through the wise approach so that you could see through discernment of what they are trying to do. They never make the other one wrong. They never say that they have an opponent who is ugly, or has done a bad job, or has bad ideas, or doesn’t know what they are doing. It is unconscionable for them to criticize the other side. Instead they may even congratulate the other side for being in this race, not to a finish line, but to a consensus. They are mature, they are wise, they are gentle. There is no hate. And right now there’s a lot of you who are saying, that’s not going to work. It may not at first, but I’ll tell you something, oh, yes it is, oh, yes it is. And when you start to see this, you are going to know I am right. Apart from which direction they are or what party they represent, you are going to see the wisdom of the one who’s balanced, and that’s the one who you’re going want in office. Not the other one who pounds the table and says that the other guy is wrong, never will make it, hasn’t done a good job, doesn’t belong there. Do you see the difference? Do you see how one has conquering and the other one has wisdom? That is just a small beget of what a higher consciousness will look like everywhere. And I will tell you, dear ones, that’s the simple one. The message is from the Pleiadians. Old soul, if you are going to start an ascended planet in year one, you are going to have to change the way you act and do things.
Number two. I can’t explain it, I can’t explain it. I’ll try. You’re going to have to see everything.
When you seek guidance and you go into meditation and prayer, who do you seek it from? If I had you write an essay for me right now, who is that exactly? Is that some spiritual being who stands aside from you, who is tall and occasionally speaks to you? Is that one you have to grovel before, bow, hope you get some wisdom? Who is that? Could it be that there is more to you than you think? I want you to see it all. It’s time. It is time to understand that the human being has a multidimensional, beautiful presence. And that you are made up of parts and pieces that are beyond what you think they are. I want you to see it all. The Pleiadians, when they were Lemurians, they went into the mountain, not only did they see it all, they became something else. We gave you this last night. It is difficult to speak of things you cannot see, you do not know about, and you cannot imagine. And the second message is that you’ve got to see it, or at least sense it, at least know it. You are bigger than you think. You are not singular, there is so much wrapped in the divine part of the human being that needs to be recognized, seen maturely. And that then becomes the vehicle, called you. That you move forward in life, making decisions, not from someone who stands taller than you, guiding you, but you guiding yourself. That’s a hard one.
When you leave this place, I want you to inquire of your cellular structure, who are you? Who am I? And I want the “who” to be the biggest word you’ve ever used. Who? And I want it to include not only that corporeal consciousness that you think is the human being, but the soul which is eternal, which is already, always been there. In every piece and part of your DNA there is divinity. And what does that mean to you? It’s the who! It’s more than the human being. It’s the divinity of the creative source that has always been inside you, not a guide that stands there. But is you, working with you. It’s the three dimensions, the survival consciousness, the old energy which has put you in a box and a bubble that separates you from your divine self.
And the second part of this, the three parts of the ascension of civilization, is to know thyself and see it all. You’ve got to see all of it. If you don’t see it, you got to sense it, you got to live it, like there’s more of you than you thought, and then relax in it, instead of worrying about it all the time. Dear God, I’m not getting much guidance, you say. As though it were apart, you’re in the dark and you’re hoping that someone will come along and shine a light on you. That’s how isolated you are from yourself. What if you are always getting guidance, and what if the guidance was not what you expected. What if the guidance was, would you please relax! And what is your interpretation of that – I’m not getting guidance. Cause you’re not aware, are you, of the whole thing, you got to see it all. I want you to understand you are always getting guidance 24/7, all the time, all the time. And if it doesn’t happen to be what you expect, or the feeling that you expect, or the pointer to go left or right, maybe it was just “relax.” Maybe your cellular structure will work better if you do. Did you ever think of that? That was number two.
What do you think number three is? Old soul, it is the hardest thing, we have talked about it for five years, we knew it was coming, and now I want to give it to from the mountain. You are not going to get anywhere, nowhere, unless you love yourself. Nowhere. Do you love God? If the answer is yes, then you’ve just said, I love myself. You have to. Message after message, publication, channeling after channeling after channeling, and now it is coming from the mountain.
The ambassador is here, Adamas is here, and he is saying, ride on. Because in order to love yourself, you’ve got to cast off that unworthiness that seems to come with being a human being. And that is tough. It’s not an ego, it is a love of the divine inside. The part of you that says I am part of creation and always will be. I am here for a little while, and the next time I am here for a little while, and the next time I am here for a little while, I am eternal. And I love it. I’m okay with it, it’s beautiful. There is a plan, a system, I’m a part of it, I always will be, I always was. Can you do that?
Years and years ago, I invited you to go and look in the mirror at yourself and find the “I am” inside. It was a metaphor that said if you look in your own eyes, the window to the soul, you are going to start looking for divinity. Can you find in your own eyes God? Or do you see the 3D part, do you see unworthiness, a human being who is aging every day, problems, that which is not correct, therefore you’ve got to worry about it. You’ve got to stop that. You’ve got to receive this invitation. Listen, there is a system of feedback we have told you about over and over. There is a part of your body that is so ready to go beyond the dimensionality and the efficiency of your DNA when it thinks it’s ready. And when it thinks you’re ready, you are going to get help.
The body will enhance what you give it. Now when you start looking at these things in this energy, it’s going to applaud. Your cellular structure is ready to move forward. There is a system of enhancement you are not even aware of. You do not have to push this stone up that hill any more. If you are divine, expect answers, expect that to be pulled instead of you having to push it. Awaken! The power inside you that wants to then continue what you start and the more you push on this, the more you try, the more the body will see what you are doing. Like a muscle that you start to exercise and the body cooperates and you see that the muscle gets better and better, anything that you practice gets better and better. Why should this be different? Define yourself if you wish, but define it in the divinity of multidimensionality. It is time.
Those are the three. You see, the Pleiadians are not going to give you high physics. They’re giving you the ABCs of getting a job, until you start loving yourself, until you see all of the picture that is there, until you get out of survival. There are those of you who will say, well, that’s what you’ve been doing. No you haven’t. You’ve been worrying. I know who you are. How about, how about you change it all. It’s a good time to do it, is it not? Surrounded by old souls of like mind who want what you want, who are ready to see things that perhaps are really there. Don’t make up your mind what can’t be done. Don’t define yourself right now based upon the old energy of who you were, or what you think you could do, or what you tried, that’s all gone. Open the door, see the new tools, and go for it.
Dear human being, dear old soul. And that’s the beginning message, while you sit in the shadow of the mountain this evening. And so it is.
Последний раз редактировалось Love 22 июл 2014 13:01, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Сообщения: 684
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59


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миничен 14 июня суббота
о мире в израиле
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Последний раз редактировалось stalkerb 26 июл 2014 15:18, всего редактировалось 3 раза.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 апр 2012 22:22


Непрочитанное сообщение Love »

mini. Транскрипция Alison

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
And so I am going to ask you right now a question that needs to go to your core. What do you really think is happening here? And there are so many ways to interpret this situation. I know where I am. The entourage which is coming here, which we introduced to you, which has remained and will remain for the next days, is also aware. The lights are turned off, the doors are locked, and this room seems to be empty. It is not. For there is no clock for us, for the energy is still here, and the rejoicing is still here. The love is still here.

But perhaps you’ve come today to see a show. You’re in a theater and there is a stage, there’s lights, and there’s music. And it may soothe that part of you today that needs to be soothed. Is that what’s happening today? Really?

The information that is going to be presented on this stage in these next two days will pull upon your mind, your hearts, your emotions. There will be science, there will be potentials, possibilities, history will be shown, the ancients are here. But is that what you think? Or are you just here to hear something that is motivational, make you feel better for a little while, till you walk out of this place, get in your vehicle, and leave.

But I want to give you a choice, to turn a page in the paradigm of your life. I want you to take all of this in, the chanting, the beautiful sounds of the energy, the frequencies through the air, the voices, the teaching, the reflections. I would like it to go in to change your mind about what might really be happening on the planet.

There are those who wish to walk out and always find something wrong with everything. And you’ll say, “yeah, but… yeah, but.” No matter what is presented today, your mind, in the synapse of your brain, is going, “yeah, but.” You’ve always got to retort, don’t you? Somehow you’re going to sit upon this and say, well it’s not my reality.

The invitation is to make it your reality. Dear old soul, this planet is not predestined to clean itself up, it’s not predestined to go into a higher consciousness, you passed the marker. And what you do here, is up to you. There is no predestination of what you’re going to do, where you’re going to go. In fact, the track record is pretty poor, “yeah, but.” And you say, it’s never happened before, why should it happen now? But I had a good time at Shasta. Is that you?

The old soul in this place, and hearing these words, are the only ones who are going to change the planet. Because you’re going to have to own it. You’re going to have to own this philosophy, that it can be changed, number one, number two, that the ancients told you it could be changed, expected you to change it, and three, the potentials are so high in your favor. And if you walk out of here with a “yeah, but,” nothing’s going to change on the planet.

You just spent all of these minutes with these precious souls invested in energy. The theme was peace in Israel. That’s the biggest “yeah but.” For the historians have said it is impossible, the spiritual leaders said it is impossible, the predictions were, it will fly apart. And all your life, all your life, all you’ve seen is trouble. And if you ask an Israeli, they will say, all of their history, all they’ve ever seen is trouble. Before they had Israel, there was trouble. There’s always been trouble. And now to think that you can turn a page and there won’t be? It’s impossible!

But what if you could you turn a page and start a new paradigm? A slow realization with a higher consciousness between Palestinians, Israelis, Iranians, and others, that you just might have a chance to create something that no one ever, ever prophesied. The New Jerusalem, the city on the hill. That historians will look back and say, isn’t that something, that they actually got together.

I know where I am, dear ones. I have been with you all through humanity. I know the odds. I know it will not happen quickly. I know when it begins, there will be those who simply want to squash it and fight. I know there will be those who say we cannot be friends because history said we cannot be. I know that the synapse of the brain will often take over what the emotion of the heart knows better. And I also know that this is going to be a softer planet, and that the intuitive, the pineal, the emotions, and all of the things are starting to raise to the surface. And humanity is going to look at this situation and say, “it’s changing. Look!”

There will be organizations, mostly of young people, to start the ball rolling. They’ll teach their young people. There’ll come a time when there’ll be three generations that did not teach each other who their enemies were, but instead the potentials, history was this, but this is our potential.

Let me ask you, American, who used to be your enemy? What great wars in this brief time you were here did you fight? And who are they today? They’re not just your friends, they’re your partners. You see, it is possible to rewrite history. You see? Don’t count the years of hatred, don’t count the years, “yeah, but.”

What is the new paradigm when you walk out of the building? What about yourself? What about yourself?

How many “yeah, buts” in here? I’ve tried this, I’ve tried this, I’ve tried this, I’ve tried this! And I’m supposed to turn a page today? Yes! How about that? What’s wrong with that picture? Just because it hasn’t happened, it never can?

Tonight I would like to give you some examples of how the universe, the galaxy, your body is helping you and standing by with its hand out, for you to turn the page. But if you’re going to object, because you can’t believe it, or it’s never happened before, or there’s always something wrong, you’ll walk out of here just like you came in, and you had a good time. But that’s not why we’re here, not this year. This is year one. Literally the potentials are in your lap, no predestination, but the potentials are high. So much is happening on this planet. With healing and science, physics, all starting to align, for peace on earth, for extended life, for the joy of healing the incurable things.

There is a new paradigm possible and this is the beginning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but it starts somewhere. It is not in this room that it starts, it’s all over the planet with like-minded, those who are feeling, don’t even have this message, those who are feeling. And in the Middle East, watch for the impossible. Watch also for those who would object to the impossible and want it to stay the same, and watch the dynamics develop.

Is it, is it possible, dear ones, that this could be the beginning of what historians will talk about for the rest of the history of the planet, the time when the planet took it upon itself to get along. That’s the message.

What is your reality about now? Having a good time, or turning the page? I’ll be back. And so it is.
Сообщения: 684
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59


Непрочитанное сообщение stalkerb »

Итак, последний ченнелинг из этой июльской серии Шаста выложен Ли Кэрроллом на его сайте в транскрипции, и ждем его перевода на русский
суббота 14 июля
"The Fast-Track Systems"
"Системы кратчайшего пути к просветлению" ... TA-14.html
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Mt. Shasta, California, June 14, 2014.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In the process called channelling, my partner steps aside, and in through what you would call the portal of the pineal comes a pure stream of intuition, in real time. It is delivered in a way you have defined as channelling, and in the process it's important that my partner's filters step aside as well.
The filters are Human filters of correctness, judgment and Human experience - all things that can bias a message such as this. This is what he has practiced for 25 years, getting to a point where he can be open to the degree where there is very limited bias of thought. In other words, he has to put his Humanism aside and allow pure messages to flow in without altering them from what he thinks they might mean. There are those in this assemblage who can discern this [in the auditorium] and who know that the messages are real. This is something we count on - that in a place like this, there are Lightworkers who know the difference and would be able to sense the integrity of the truth and purity of my messages through my partner. These are the ones who would see that there is no agenda here except one: The joy of congratulations of what it is that is taking place here.
This morning I told you that there was no such thing as predestination. We told you that the Human Being is wide open to choice, and during this day the presentations of science of research and unfolding world events echo this very thing. Could it be that Humans have the choice to step out of the old paradigm of conquering one another, of historic hatred, and literally change what you would call Human Nature? That has been the premise all along, and now you have heard it from others today [at the conference] who are not channellers, but rather men of science. Could it be that the body is waiting for you to make these kinds of invisible forces available? Do you believe it? It's not the first time that we have asked the question. So I want to expand upon that.
In the past three weeks, I have started to give you information about a help system that I'll call a fast-track to enlightenment, which follows the lines of what you have been taught this day about the potentials and the possibilities that exist within the Human field. Some of these you may have heard before, but now I collect them together as one package under the shadow of the mountain [referring to Mt. Shasta] so you can hear this directly.
To put it succinctly, dear Human Being, I'm going to give you four attributes of what I would call a help system that is now available to you and that is new. You passed a major time marker in 2012, and literally you are now sitting in the first few years of the kinds of decision points that other civilizations of other planets have failed to cross - but not you. You are examining it carefully, and you're looking at it right now, old soul. We told you the snowball of potential was rolling, and it is. It is the snowball of higher consciousness on Earth. We can see these potentials from a bigger picture standpoint than you can see. It's far more than any of you can see individually, and it has driven our prophecies to you of what might be next.
I present to you the fast-track system. Could it be that your belief is more powerful today than it ever was before? Could it be that this invisible force, created from that which you call your mind, could trigger things that are enormous around you, changing the environment, your body and more? Stand by for some controversy, but then there always is. I want you to throw away everything you thought you knew and listen. The first thing we're going to do is talk about innate.
Innate is the intelligent body system that is based in intuitive thought. The innate body intelligence does not come from brain synapse, and we have told you this before. There are entire channellings about this, and you can review them if you wish. The Human brain is good at what it does. It's a master chemical computer that stores information and then gives it back to you for survival when stimulated. The brain helps you to decide what to do next based upon past data that has been recorded. That's not intuition. That's computation.
Intuitive thought doesn't even feel like a synaptic brain function. It comes and goes so quickly that you are not certain it was even there. That in itself should tell you something - that there's another kind of communication going on, and it presents itself completely different than brain thought, through what we would call the pineal portal. There's far more involved than that, but for now we will just label it cellular intelligence - the innate system of the body.
Innate is beginning to show itself more and more within Human perception. It is a fast-track for you and creates better intuitive thought. Innate pulls upon something that is now starting to be a far greater resource for you than it ever was before - that is the Akashic record of the Human Being. We told you this before. Humans are going to start remembering the last time around, and the time before that [past lives]. Is it possible that you won't have to start from zero every time you're born? Other mammals don't, but you do! Is it possible that you could awaken and remember certain kinds of things that will help you to learn faster? Doesn't it make sense that you should be able to remember the wisdom that you've gleaned over centuries of living on Earth?
Imagine a fast-tracking system where you awaken within the next lifetime, and you don't have to go through the mistakes of this one? Imagine that! Imagine awakening and remembering, "I'm here again! Yes, it's real. I've lived before." Imagine! The innate is the part of the body that listens to the past wisdom of belief. It pulls upon the Akash and starts to give you the information you need, because it knows that you believe in it and the consciousness of the old soul that you have, which is now showing itself. It's a new fast-track system to new perceptions and a change in your basic life structure. That's just one of four systems.
The second system is the spiritual pineal system, and this represents communication to the other side of the veil. The pineal is the portal to your Higher-Self and it uses intuition - innate - to talk to you. The pineal helps you to know you're in touch. Now, listen for a minute: How many of you know you're in touch? Often the answer is, "Well, Kryon, sometimes I feel in touch with Spirit and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'm in a bad mood and I'm not quite as in touch." How would you just like to be 24/7 connected all the time? Then when you're in a bad mood, instead of the brain taking over and the heart racing with uncertainty and fear, instead you have "coherent" thought and the communication stays wide open. How do you think the masters dealt with stress? How would you like to deal with it in the same way? What I want to tell you is there is a fast-track system through the pineal of the Human body that is ready to make DNA work better and, in that process, there is more stability for you. We are going to call this the self-balance factor. The Human Being will be able to self-balance instantly and immediately, no matter what the situation. They will be able to analyze and stay centered. This is evolution. This is a spiritual system, dear ones, because the invisible force called God sees your belief and it starts to alter things based upon what you have given it. Does this sound like the theme of the day? It's in every single part of nature. That was number two.
Now it might start to get weirder for you. These ideas are controversial, so listen carefully and I ask my partner to go slowly. I want him to present this accurately and with care so that there's no fear here.
If you were to visit the cosmos and talk to the intelligent life that is out there as it has been for millions of years before life on your planet, it would give you some different concepts to think about. How is time measured between different planetary cultural systems? Yours is tied to your sun and you use "years". This won't work for them. To create a meaningful time reference for all of you, you would need something that you all have in common, a consistency that you all share, and indeed there is one.
There is a consistently of the speed of all stars and solar systems as they move around the center of the galaxy. No matter where they are in the disk that surrounds the center, they all move at one exact speed. This is a galactic standard. Since it is a consistent speed and all stars experience it, this can be used as a time reference that you all understand. When one star system talks to another, they relate to what you have called the cosmic year. But since the word year is not in their vocabulary, they call it revs, which stands for revolutions around the center. That is a consistent time measure of how long it takes for your solar system to make one revolution around the center of your spiral galaxy. So all solar systems have this in common. How many revs do you think humanity has seen, dear Human Being? The answer is this: You haven't even had one! It takes approximately 230 million Earth years to go around one time [one rev].
Now, why I'm telling you is this: Because it means that as Human Beings on Earth, there are parts of space that you have never encountered before. Since you haven't even gone around one time, the complete "pathway" of your solar system is yet undiscovered by you, including what attributes in space might be there that you didn't expect. What if I told you you're starting to enter a very special "zone" now and that what you are going to experience has been prearranged all along? It's not predestined, dear ones, but was always there just in case you made it as a Human race. It was timed appropriately and perfectly, and it's for you.
In this new area of space, which your entire solar system is moving into, there is a different kind of physics represented by what scientists see as a kind of radiation that is new. Your solar system is now coming into this. (The actual facts of this is that you are coming out of a type of "cloud" that has been with you for eons, and now you are about to experience life without it.)
The first emotion or reaction to this might be fear, for this radiation will start to intersect the heliosphere first [the magnetic field of the sun]. The heliosphere of the sun is what intersects the magnetic field of planet Earth. Your magnetic field does several things for you. It shields you from those things that the sun puts out that may be harmful. But in addition, it is a communication process to your DNA and transfers whatever quantum aspects of the heliosphere right into the Human body via the field in your collective DNA.
Twenty-five years ago, we told you that the magnetic field was needed for your life on Earth, and now that is becoming scientific fact. The DNA molecule is not a quantum particle, dear ones, but it has quantum attributes. (It has a field that affects the spin of electrons in a quantum field). This scientific fact might tell you a little more about what might be hiding within this very special system. In your body, there in what we would call an entangled DNA field, are hundreds of trillions of your DNA molecules, all know together as one. This field is called the Merkabah.
This new radiation, which your solar system is approaching, is designed to enhance your DNA. It is a fast-tracking system for your Human civilization if you made it past the precession of the equinoxes - a set up that all the Ancients spoke about and even your own religious doctrine referenced as a difficult or "end time". This is all on purpose and will create the potential of being able to evolve quicker and faster into a world without war. It will allow new invention, the ability to solve the unsolvable problems in 3D that you have right now and more. That's the third one. Do not fear this, dear ones! There will be some scientists who will see it for what it is, and there will be others who will be alarmed. I want you to discern it when you see it and remember we told you about it here. Fear will disable your magnificence!
The last and final one is the role of the mountain next to you [referring to Mt Shasta]. Is it possible that your DNA is not from here? If it isn't, then where is it from? This is a recurring theme from Kryon, that your DNA was altered starting about 200,000 years ago, and that this is your spiritual creation story. We have told you that it was done with spiritual intent by the Pleiadians and that it was expected, and right on time, and echoes what the earth was designed for. It comes from the Great Central Source and was done with love.
The seven sisters, your seed parents, provided a system of awakening and of fast-tracking. They have placed time capsules all over the planet, 24 of them in 12 pairs. Mt. Shasta is one-half of one pair. These time capsules are not hidden capsules of things that have been put away from the past, but rather they are time doors to open at the right time and dispense wisdom. The timing of the opening of the capsules is not the clock, dear ones. Are you listening? Instead, it was predicated on Human belief and spiritual evolvement.
Does this sound like a theme? It is what we have been telling you for 25 years. What are you going to do with this? The timing is now, and it's time for the old souls to awaken, generate that invisible field of belief, and pull upon the communication of intuition and of the information from the Akash. You will begin to start realizing that you are larger than anyone ever told you; you are not born dirty, but born magnificent! You are not a victim of circumstances either, but rather you now have a rudder on the boat of life that you can grab and steer wherever you want to. This is truly a new energy for you!
This is the belief that's collectively going to propel the time capsules to open. When they do and the time is right, they will give you what we have told you before - the missing laws of physics, inventions to supply you with water and power forever, and the quantum lens. The quantum lens will use a cryoplasmatic process, and when you have finally mastered and miniaturized it [as I've told you before], the first thing that science will be able to detect is that the Human Being has a quantum field! The Human Merkabah will be revealed. They will turn the lens upon animals and the rocks and the trees and see quantum life everywhere, even in the air. A new concept of life will open to the planet and science will have to rewrite all the rules of biology because of it. You will turn a corner of knowledge, a page that cannot be underestimated, a fast-tracking into the kinds of scientific development that will keep you alive and healthy for decades more than you experience now. You will slowly move out of 3D into a state of higher consciousness and awareness, and this awareness will solve so many problems.
The mountain has been seen as mysterious for eons, and even the Ancients who lived here felt it. This is why you want to be here, is it not? The mountain speaks, and there is energy here from those who have been waiting for this time! It's a fast-track system for you.
What is eventually coming will not be limited to inventions that are given to you as devices or new technology, for it is grander than that. Indeed, coming is technology for the unlimited growth of healthy food, fresh water and power, but the "real" future will bring you understanding that allows for something that goes into your DNA and expands it, so that you will have a new awareness of Self. Humans will start thinking out of the box, solving Earth's problems one at a time, and will begin to graduate out of survival mode, out of conquering mode, and will start to see other Human Beings differently. That's the message for the night.
I want you to understand these things, dear ones. I want you to believe all of this, no matter how odd or strange it seems. There is a system here, there really is. You are more than just a biological system with awareness and cellular structure. The full system includes things that perhaps you've thought were strange and odd, but this is part of evolved thinking - the consideration of things unseen, perhaps amazing ones.
I made the statement recently that things would never get back to normal because normal has shifted. What do you think medical science thought when they were presented with the concept of germs? Just think - invisible little creatures that can actually kill you! How quaint, how esoteric! How funny! They laughed and called it "ridiculous fiction". Then with the advent of microscopes, it was validated, and today it's common knowledge. Well, I want to tell you there are invisible things here as part of a benevolent system, one that is here to create help and support. But the concept of activating these is the consciousness of belief. Again, this "ridiculous fiction" to some will be validated by what comes next.
More and more Human Beings are asking their own consciousness and innate, "Is there more than I've been told?" Then they are starting to listen, not for a voice, but for information that is intuitive and from the innate. They begin to receive the chills, the validations, and they move forward. There is so much communication between you and your cellular structure that you're about to discover. Innate will supply that as well. It will help you to turn left, turn right, and know what's real and what's not real. It will help validate the integrity of a message from a man in a chair channelling from the other side of the veil.
Don't take my word for this. I want you to validate it for yourself in whatever way you can, and only when you're ready. It is your individual belief, not collective belief, that is going to make the difference on the planet. There are millions just like you all over the planet, awakening right now and making these kinds of "awareness" decisions. It's a collective that has no central control, no doctrine, no prophet, no funding and no rules of worship. This is the new Human, who knows intuitively about the shaman inside.
The energy from the great creative source is in every single Human Being and is the same. Some call it Spirit and some call it God. The earth is a monotheistic planet that celebrates one God. It's finally time to see that all that is comes from one source, the one that's inside, and it is beautiful, and it's for all. It's time to settle the differences and move forward.
I am Kryon, in love with humanity, speaking the truth with you tonight in the shadow of the mountain that contains the seeds of your divinity.
And so it is.
Сообщения: 684
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59


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Этот чен в переводе на ивритמערכות-המסלול-המהיר/

ברכות יקרים, אני קריון מהשירות המגנטי. בתהליך המכונה תקשור, השותף שלי זז הצדה ובאמצעות הדבר שאתם מכנים ״שער בלוטת האצטרובל״ מגיע זרם טהור של אינטואיציה, בזמן אמיתי. הוא מוגש בדרך שאתם הגדרתם כתקשור, ובתהליך זה חשוב שהמסננים של השותף שלי יזוזו הצדה גם כן.
Скрытый текст:
המסננים הם מסננים אנושיים של תקינות, שיפוט והתנסות אנושית – כל הדברים שיכולים להטות מסר כגון זה. זאת הוא תרגל במשך 25 שנים, הגיע לנקודה שבה הוא יכול להיות פתוח במידה שבה קיימת מחשבה מוטה מוגבלת מאוד. במילים אחרות, עליו להניח את אנושיותו בצד ולאפשר למסרים טהורים לזרום פנימה מבלי לשנותם בהתאם למה שהוא חושב שעשויה להיות המשמעות שלהם. ישנם אנשים בכינוס זה שיכולים להבחין בכך [באודיטוריום] ושיודעים שהמסרים אמיתיים. אנו מסתמכים על כך – שבמקום כגון זה ישנם עובדי אור שיודעים את ההבדל ושיהיו מסוגלים לחוש ביושרה, באמת ובטוהר של המסרים שלי באמצעות שותפי. אלה הם האנשים שיראו שאין כאן סדר יום לבד אחד: שמחת הברכות של מה שמתרחש כאן.

הבוקר אמרתי לכם שאין דבר כזה גזירה משמים. אמרנו לכם שבן האנוש פתוח לרווחה לבחירה, ובמשך יום זה המצגות המדעיות, המחקר ואירועי העולם יהדהדו זאת. האם ייתכן שבני האדם יכולים לצאת מפרדיגמה ישנה של כיבוש הדדי, של שנאה היסטורית, ופשוטו כמשמעו, לשנות את מה שאתם מכנים הטבע האנושי? זו הייתה ההנחה לאורך כל הדרך, ועכשיו שמעתם זאת מאנשים אחרים [בכינוס] שאינם מתקשרים, אלא מדענים. האם אתם מאמינים בכך? זו לא הפעם הראשונה שאנו שואלים שאלה זו. ולכן ברצוני להרחיב את הנושא.

בשלושת השבועות האחרונים, התחלתי לתת מידע בנוגע למערכת סיוע שאכנה ״מסלול מהיר להארה״, שתואמת למה שלמדתם היום לגבי הפוטנציאלים והאפשרויות שקיימות בשדה האנושי. ייתכן ששמעתם על חלקם בעבר, אבל עכשיו אני אוסף אותם יחד כחבילה אחת בצלו של ההר [מתייחס להר שאסטה] כדי שתוכלו לשמוע זאת ישירות.

באופן מתומצת, אנשים יקרים, אני עומד לתת לכם ארבע תכונות של מה שאכנה מערכת סיוע שנגישה לכם עתה ושהיא חדשה. בשנת 2012 חציתם סמן זמן משמעותי ואתם מצויים עתה, פשוטו כמשמעו, בשנים הראשונות של נקודות החלטה שכאלה שתרבויות אחרות על פלנטות אחרות לא הצליחו לחצות – אך אתם הצלחתם. נשמות עתיקות, אתן בוחנות זאת בזהירות, ואתן מביטות בכך ברגע זה. אמרנו לכם שכדור השלג של הפוטנציאל מתגלגל, וכך הוא. זהו כדור שלג של תודעה גבוהה יותר על כדור הארץ. אנו רואים פוטנציאלים אלה מנקודת מבט גבוהה יותר משלכם. היא גדולה יותר מכל שאתם יכולים לראות באופן אישי, והיא הניעה את הנבואות שנתנו לכם לגבי העתיד.

אני מציג בפניכם את מערכת המסלול המהיר. האם ייתכן שהאמונה שלכם עוצמתית יותר היום מכפי שהייתה אי פעם? האם ייתכן שכוח בלתי נראה זה, הנברא באמצעות מה שאתם מכנים התודעה שלכם, יכול להוות טריגר לדברים עצומים סביבכם, לשנות את הסביבה, את הגוף שלכם ועוד? היכונו למחלוקת מסוימת, אבל תמיד קיימת מחלוקת. אני רוצה שתשליכו את כל שחשבתם שאתם יודעים והקשיבו. הדבר הראשון שנעשה הוא לדבר על ״המולד״.


המולד הוא מערכת גוף אינטליגנטית שמבוססת על חשיבה אינטואיטיבית. חוכמת הגוף המולד אינה נובעת מסינפסות המוח, ואמרנו לכם זאת בעבר. ישנם תקשורים שלמים בנושא, ואתם יכולים לבחון אותם אם תרצו. המוח האנושי טוב במה שהוא עושה. הוא מחשב כימי מעולה שמאחסן מידע ואז מעביר לכם אותו לצורך הישרדות כאשר יש צורך בכך. המוח עוזר לכם להחליט מה הדבר הבא שיש לעשות בהתבסס על מידע מתועד מן העבר. זו לא אינטואיציה. זה חישוב.

מחשבה אינטואיטיבית אינה דומה לתפקוד עצבי של המוח. היא באה והולכת במהירות כה רבה שאינכם בטוחים שהופיעה כלל. דבר זה כשלעצמו צריך לומר לכם משהו – שיש סוג אחר של תקשורת שמתרחש, ושמציג את עצמו באופן שונה לחלוטין מהמחשבה של המוח, באמצעות מה שנכנה שער האיצטרובל. הרבה יותר מעורב בכך, אך לעת עתה פשוט נכנה זאת ״אינטליגנציה תאית״ – מערכת הגוף המולדת.

המולד מתחיל להראות את עצמו יותר ויותר במסגרת התפיסה האנושית. זהו מסלול מהיר עבורכם והוא יוצר מחשבה אינטואיטיבית טובה יותר. המולד מסתמך על משהו שמתחיל עתה להוות משאב גדול הרבה יותר עבורכם מכפי שהיה אי פעם בעבר – זהו התיעוד האקאשי של בן האנוש. אמרנו לכם זאת בעבר. בני האדם יתחילו לזכור את הפעם האחרונה שלהם, ואת זו שקדמה לה [גלגולים קודמים]. האם ייתכן ששוב לא תצטרכו להתחיל מאפס בכל פעם שתיוולדו? יונקים אחרים אינם עושים זאת, אבל אתם כן! האם אפשרי שתוכלו להתעורר ולזכור דברים מסוימים שיעזרו לכם ללמוד מהר יותר? האם לא הגיוני שתהיו מסוגלים לזכור את החוכמה שרכשתם במשך מאות שנים של חיים על כדור הארץ?

דמיינו מערכת מסלול מהיר שבה אתם מתעוררים בתקופת החיים הבאה ואינכם צריכים לחוות את טעויות תקופת החיים הנוכחית? חשבו על כך! חשבו על התעוררות והיזכרות, ״אני שוב כאן! כן, זה אמיתי. חייתי בעבר״. שערו בנפשותיכם! המולד הוא החלק בגוף שמקשיב לחוכמת העבר של האמונה. הוא מתחבר לאקאשה ומתחיל לתת לכם את המידע הדרוש לכם, כיוון שהוא יודע שאתם מאמינים בכך ובתודעה של הנשמה העתיקה שיש לכם, שמתחילה עכשיו להראות את עצמה. זו מערכת מסלול מהיר לתפיסות חדשות ולשינוי במבנה החיים הבסיסי שלכם. זו רק אחת מבין ארבע מערכות.

בלוטת האיצטרובל

המערכת השניה היא מערכת בלוטת האיצטרובל הרוחנית, והיא מייצגת תקשורת עם הצד האחר של הצעיף. האיצטרובל היא השער לעצמי הגבוה שלכם והיא משתמשת באינטואיציה – במולד – כדי לדבר אליכם. האיצטרובל מסייעת לכם לדעת שאתם מחוברים. עכשיו, הקשיבו לרגע: כמה מכם יודעים שאתם מחוברים? תכופות התשובה היא: ״ובכן, קריון, לפעמים אני מרגיש מחובר לרוח ולפעמים לא. לפעמים יש לי מצב רוח רע ואני לא ממש מחובר״. האם הייתם רוצים להיות מחוברים 24 שעות ביממה? אז כאשר אתם במצב רוח רע, במקום שהמוח ישתלט והלב יפעם בחוסר ודאות ובפחד, במקום זאת יהיו לכם מחשבה ״לכידה״ ותקשורת שנותרת פתוחה לרווחה. איך לדעתכם המאסטרים התמודדו עם לחץ? האם הייתם רוצים להתמודד איתו באותה דרך? מה שאני רוצה לומר לכם הוא שיש מערכת של מסלול מהיר דרך בלוטת האיצטרובל של הגוף האנושי שמוכנה לגרום לדנ״א לעבוד טוב יותר, ושבמסגרת תהליך זה, יש לכם יציבות רבה יותר. אנו נכנה זאת ״גורם האיזון העצמי״. בן האנוש יהיה מסוגל לאזן את עצמו מיידית, ללא קשר למצב. הוא יהיה מסוגל לנתח ולהישאר מאוזן. זו התפתחות. זו מערכת רוחנית, יקרים, כיוון שהכוח הבלתי נראה המכונה בפיכם אלוהים רואה את האמונה שלכם ומתחיל לשנות דברים בהתבסס על מה שנתתם לו. האם זה נשמע כמו מוטיב חוזר היום? זה קיים בכל חלק וחלק של הטבע. זו הייתה המערכת השניה.

חיים אחרים בגלקסיה

עכשיו זה עשוי להתחיל להישמע לכם מוזר. הרעיונות הללו שנויים במחלוקת, לכן הקשיבו היטב ואני מבקש מהשותף שלי לדבר לאט. אני רוצה שהוא יציג זאת במדויק ובקפידה כדי שלא יתעורר כאן פחד.

אילו הייתם מבקרים ביקום ומדברים עם החיים האינטליגנטיים ששם כפי שהיה במשך מיליוני שנים לפני החיים על הפלנטה שלכם, הדבר היה מעניק לכם כמה תפיסות שונות לחשוב עליהן. איך נמדד הזמן בין מערכות תרבותיות פלנטריות שונות? שלכם קשור לשמש ואתם משתמשים ב״שנים״. זה לא יעבוד מבחינתם. כדי לברוא התייחסות זמן משמעותית לכולכם, אתם זקוקים למשהו שמשותף לכולכם, עקביות שמשותפת לכולכם, ואכן יש אחת כזו.

קיימת עקביות של המהירות של כל הכוכבים ומערכות השמש שעה שהם נעים סביב מרכז הגלקסיה. אין זה משנה היכן הם על גבי ״הדיסק״ שמקיף את המרכז, כולם נעים בדיוק באותה מהירות. זהו תקן גלקטי. כיוון שזו מהירות קבועה וכל הכוכבים חווים אותה, ניתן להשתמש בה כהתייחסות זמן שכולכם מבינים. כאשר מערכת כוכבים אחת מדברת לאחרת, הן מתייחסות למה שאתם כיניתם השנה הקוסמית. אך כיוון שהמילה שנה אינה מצויה באוצר המילים שלהן, הן מכנות זאת ״סיבובים״, מילה שמתייחסת לסיבובים סביב המרכז. זו מדידת זמן עקבית של כמה זמן דרוש למערכת השמש שלכם לבצע סיבוב אחד סביב מרכז הגלקסיה הספירלית שלכם. זהו מכנה משותף של כל מערכות השמש. כמה סיבובים חוותה האנושות לדעתכם, אנשים יקרים? התשובה היא זו: אפילו לא אחד! דרושים בערך 230 מיליון שנות ארץ כדי לבצע סיבוב אחד.

למה אני מספר לכם זאת: כיוון שמשמעות הדבר היא שכבני אדם על כדור הארץ, ישנם חלקים בחלל שמעולם לא פגשתם בעבר. כיוון שלא השלמתם אפילו סיבוב אחד, ״הנתיב״ השלם של מערכת השמש עדיין לא נחשף בפניכם, ובכלל זה תכונות מסוימות בחלל להן לא ציפיתם. נניח שהייתי אומר לכם שאתם מתחילים להיכנס ל״אזור״ מיוחד מאוד עכשיו ושמה שאתם הולכים לחוות תוכנן מראש מאז ומתמיד? זו לא גזירה משמים, יקרים, אלא תמיד היה שם רק למקרה שתשרדו כמין האנושי. הדבר תוזמן באופן הולם ומושלם, ולמענכם.

באזור חדש זה של החלל, אליו נעה מערכת השמש שלכם כולה, יש סוג שונה של פיזיקה המיוצג על ידי מה שהמדענים שלכם רואים כסוג חדש של קרינה. מערכת השמש שלכם נכנסת עתה לאזור זה. (העובדות הממשיות של אירוע זה הן שאתם יוצאים מסוג של ״ענן״ שהיה איתכם במשך עידנים, ועכשיו אתם עומדים לחוות את החיים בלעדיו.)

הרגש או התגובה הראשונים לכך עשויים להיות פחד, כיוון שקרינה זו תחדור להליוספירה תחילה [השדה המגנטי של השמש]. ההליוספירה של השמש מקיימת ממשק עם השדה המגנטי של כדור הארץ. השדה המגנטי שלכם עושה כמה דברים למענכם. הוא מגן עליכם מאותם דברים שהשמש מקרינה שעלולים להזיק. אבל בנוסף לכך, הוא גם תהליך של תקשורת אל הדנ״א שלכם ומעביר היבטים קוונטיים מסוימים של ההליוספירה הישר אל תוך הגוף האנושי באמצעות שדה הדנ״א הקולקטיבי שלכם.

לפני 25 שנים, אמרנו לכם שהשדה המגנטי דרוש לחייכם על כדור הארץ, ועכשיו הדבר הופך לעובדה מדעית. מולקולת הדנ״א אינה חלקיק קוונטי, יקרים, אבל יש לה תכונות קוונטיות. (יש לה שדה שמשפיע על סיבוב האלקטרונים בשדה קוונטי). העובדה המדעית יכולה לספר לכם מעט יותר על מה שעשוי להסתתר בתוך מערכת מיוחדת מאוד זו. בגוף שלכם קיימים, במה שכינינו ״שדה דנ״א שזור״, מאות מיליארדים של מולקולות דנ״א, שכולן יודעות יחד כאחת. שדה זה קרוי ״המרכבה״.

קרינה חדשה זו, שאליה מערכת השמש לכם מתקרבת, מתוכננת להעצים את הדנ״א שלכם. זו מערכת מסלול מהיר עבור התרבות האנושית שלכם, אם תצליחו לחצות את נקיפת ימי השיוויון – מערך שכל העמים הקדומים דיברו עליו ואפילו הדוקטרינה הדתית שלכם מתייחסת אליו כאל ״זמני הקץ״. כל זה נעשה בכוונה ויברא פוטנציאל של יכולת להתפתח מהר יותר לעולם ללא מלחמה. הוא יאפשר המצאה חדשה, את היכולת לפתור בעיות בלתי פתורות בממד השלישי שיש לכם עכשיו ועוד. זו המערכת השלישית. אל תפחדו ממנה, יקרים! יהיו כמה מדענים שיראו אותה כפי שהיא, ויהיו אחרים שיבהלו. אני רוצה שכאשר תראו זאת, תשתמשו ביכולת ההבחנה שלכם ותזכרו את שאמרתי לכם כאן. הפחד יפגע בנפלאותכם!


הסעיף האחרון הוא תפקיד ההר שלידכם [מתייחס להר שאסטה]. האם אפשרי שהדנ״א שלכם אינו מכאן? אם הוא לא מכאן, מהיכן הוא? זה נושא שקריון חוזר ודן בו, שהדנ״א שלכם השתנה, שהדבר החל לפני כ-200,000 שנים ושזהו סיפור הבריאה הרוחנית שלכם. אמרנו לכם שהדבר נעשה מתוך כוונה רוחנית על ידי הפליאדים ושהאירוע היה צפוי, התרחש בדיוק בזמן, והדהד את הדבר לשמו נועד כדור הארץ. הייתה זאת כוונת המקור המרכזי הגדול והיא נעשתה באהבה.

שבע האחיות, ההורים שזרעו אתכם, סיפקו מערכת של התעוררות ושל מסלול מהיר. הם הניחו קפסולות זמן בכל רחבי הפלנטה, 12 זוגות המהווים 24 קפסולות. הר שאסטה הוא חצי מזוג אחד שכזה. קפסולות זמן אלה אינן קפסולות נסתרות של דברים מן העבר, אלא הן דלתות זמן שאמורות להיפתח בזמן הנכון ולהפיץ חוכמה. תזמון פתיחת הקפסולות אינו קשור לשעות, יקרים. אתם מקשיבים? במקום זאת, הוא קשור לאמונה האנושית ולהתפתחות הרוחנית.

האם זה נשמע כמו מוטיב חוזר? זה מה שאמרנו לכם במשך 25 שנים. מה תעשו עם המידע? התזמון הוא עתה, והגיע זמנן של הנשמות העתיקות להתעורר, להפעיל שדה אמונה בלתי נראה זה ולהתחבר לתקשורת האינטואיציה והמידע מהאקאשה. אתם תתחילו להבין שאתם גדולים יותר מכל שאי פעם נאמר לכם; אינכם נולדים חוטאים, אלא נפלאים! כמו כן, אינכם קורבן הנסיבות, אלא יש לכם עכשיו הגה על ספינת החיים שאתם יכולים לאחוז בו ולנווט לכל מקום שתרצו. זו באמת אנרגיה חדשה עבורכם!

זו האמונה שבאופן קולקטיבי תגרום לקפסולות הזמן להיפתח. כאשר הן יפתחו והזמן הולם לשם כך, הן יעניקו לכם את שנאמר לכם כבר – את חוקי הפיזיקה החסרים, המצאות שיספקו לכם מים ואנרגיה לעד, ואת העדשות הקוונטיות. העדשות הקוונטיות יעשו שימוש בתהליך קריאופלזמתי (cryoplasmatic), וכאשר תשלטו בכך בסופו של דבר ותצמצמו אותן (כפי שאמרתי לכם בעבר), הדבר הראשון שהמדע יהיה מסוגל לגלות הוא שלבן האדם יש שדה קוונטי! המרכבה האנושית תתגלה. הם יפנו את העדשות לבעלי החיים ולסלעים ולעצים ויראו חיים קוונטים בכל מקום, אפילו באוויר. תפיסת חיים חדשה תיפתח בפני הפלנטה והמדע ישכתב את כללי הביולוגיה בשל כך. אתם תזכו בידע, תפתחו דף חדש שאין להמעיט בחשיבותו, מסלול מהיר להתפתחות מדעית מהסוג שיאפשר לכם לחיות ולהיות בריאים במשך עשרות שנים יותר מכפי שאתם חווים עתה. אתם תנועו לאט אל מחוץ לממד השלישי ואל מצב של תודעה ומודעות גבוהות יותר, ומודעות זו תפתור בעיות רבות כל כך.

ההר נתפס כמיסתורי במשך עידנים, ואפילו אנשי קדם שחיו כאן חשו בזאת. לכן אתם רוצים להיות כאן, נכון? ההר מדבר, ויש כאן אנרגיה מאלה שהמתינו לעת הזאת! זו מערכת מסלול מהיר עבורכם.

מה שיגיע בסופו של דבר לא יהיה מוגבל להמצאות שניתנות לכם כמכשירים או כטכנולוגיה חדשה, כיוון שהן גדולות מכך. כן, תגיע טכנולוגיה לטובת צמיחה בלתי מוגבלת של מזון בריא, מים טובים ואנרגיה, אבל העתיד ״האמיתי״ יביא לכם הבנה שתאפשר משהו שנכנס אל תוך הדנ״א שלכם ומרחיב אותו, כדי שתהיה לכם מודעות חדשה לגבי העצמי. בני האדם יתחילו לחשוב מחוץ לקופסה, יפתרו את בעיות כדור הארץ אחת בכל פעם, ויתחילו לצאת ממוד ההישרדות, לצאת מוד הכיבוש, ויתחילו לראות בני אדם אחרים באופן שונה. זה המסר לערב הזה.


אתם רוצים להבין דברים אלה, יקרים. אני רוצה שתאמינו לכל הנאמר, ואין זה משנה כמה מוזר או משונה הוא נשמע. קיימת כאן מערכת, באמת. אתם יותר מאשר סתם מערכת ביולוגית עם מודעות ומבנה תאי. המערכת השלמה כוללת דברים שאולי חשבתם שהם מוזרים ומשונים, אבל זה חלק מהחשיבה המתפתחת – לקיחה בחשבון של דברים בלתי נראים, אולי דברים מדהימים.

לאחרונה הצהרתי שהדברים לעולם לא ישובו למצבם הנורמלי כיוון שהמצב הנורמלי השתנה. מה לדעתכם חשב מדע הרפואה כאשר הוצגה בפניו תפיסת החיידקים? חשבו – יצורים קטנים בלתי נראים שיכולים ממש להרוג אתכם! כמה מוזר, כמה אזוטרי! כמה מצחיק! הם צחקו וכינו זאת ״פיקציה מגוחכת״. אז עם המצאת המיקרוסקופ, התפיסה קיבלה תוקף והיום היא עובדה ידועה לכול. ובכן, אני רוצה לומר לכם שקיימים כאן דברים בלתי נראים כחלק ממערכת נדיבה, מערכת שנמצאת כאן כדי לברוא עזרה ותמיכה. אבל תפיסת הפעלת הדברים הללו היא תודעת האמונה. שוב, מה שהוא לדעת אנשים מסוימים ״פיקציה מגוחכת״ יקבל תוקף בעתיד.

עוד ועוד אנשים שואלים את התודעה והמולד שלהם: ״האם יש יותר מכפי שנאמר לי?״ אז הם מתחילים להקשיב, לא כדי לשמוע קול, אלא למידע שהוא אינטואיטיבי ומגיע מהמולד. הם מתחילים לקבל את הצמרמורות, את התוקף, והם נעים קדימה. יש תקשורת רבה כל כך ביניכם לבין המבנה התאי שלכם, אותה אתם עומדים לגלות. המולד יספק זאת גם כן. הוא יעזור לכם לפנות שמאלה, לפנות ימינה, לדעת מה אמיתי ומה לא אמיתי. הוא יעזור להעניק תוקף ליושרה של מסר מאדם בכיסא שמתקשר את הצד האחר של הצעיף.

אל תאמינו לי. אני רוצה שתעניקו לכך תוקף בעצמכם בכל דרך שתוכלו, ורק כאשר תהיו מוכנים לכך. זו האמונה האישית שלכם, לא האמונה הקולקטיבית, שתחולל שינוי על הפלנטה. ישנם מיליונים כמותכם בכל רחבי הפלנטה, שמתעוררים עכשיו ומקבלים את אותו סוג של החלטות ״מודעות״. זה קולקטיב שאין לו שלטון מרכזי, אין לו דוקטרינה, אין לו נביא, אין לו מימון וגם לא כללי סגידה. זה בן האנוש החדש, שיודע אינטואיטיבית על השאמאן הפנימי.

האנרגיה ממקור הבריאה הגדול נמצאת בכל בן אנוש והיא זהה. יש שקוראים לה ״רוח״, יש שקוראים לה ״אלוהים״. כדור הארץ הוא פלנטה מונותאיסטית שחוגגת אלוהים אחד. הגיע סוף סוף הזמן לראות שהכול נובע ממקור אחד, המקור שנמצא בפנים, והוא יפהפה ומיועד לכולם. זה הזמן להתגבר על הקשיים ולנוע קדימה.

אני קריון, מאוהב באנושות, דובר את האמת עמכם הערב בצל ההר שמכיל את זרעי האלוהות שלכם.

וכך הוא.