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"Your History as We See It" SARASOTA, FLORIDA

Добавлено: 10 апр 2013 14:19
"Your History as We See It" SARASOTA, FLORIDA

kryon from
http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/dow ... ta_12.html

Re: "Your History as We See It" SARASOTA, FLORIDA

Добавлено: 13 апр 2013 02:44
текст на английском

Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
and so the energy shifts yet again
in the process of channeling there is an element of trust
I chose a man to channel who likes to have things prepared in advance
very linear thinker who would have to de-linearized his mind
and understand that the only thing that he knows in advance is that he will not know anything in advance
the words that I speak now are not known to him a moment before this spoken
and so there is no target message unless I tell him in advance what it will be
or unless I tell him there will be a repeat of information that is then enhanced
there is a time where he has no idea what is coming and that is most of the time
and so what you have in this paradigm and this example is a quantum experience in the now is not?
we walk from place to place not even having the goal but being exepting
that what you're doing has purpose for the planet even though you do not see it
I have said this before, dear human being, that your very existence as a light worker is good enough
without a goal without a project is good enough
that there is a process that takes place between you and your energy and that of the crystalean grid
that is enough
and that the very aspect of your life being live one day at a time helps the planet
when you complete yourself with compassion
is therefore the compassionate attribute of your mind and what you do with it
day by day which is changing the very future
how would you react to all paradigms, young person
can you strike a balance between the wisdom of honoring what is there and changing what you can?
and those who are conceptual will know this
for it is the linear mind who will go up against the force and expected to bent
it is the conceptual mind who go around the force and change it from the back
and so there are ways and means of approaching those that you have never approached
isn't it think it could?
there is a way of living where they will approach you when they see the compassion that you have
with those perhaps you have not talked to in years who have not accepted you for what you believe we'll see you differently because you stop telling them anything and listening to them compassionately
because they can see you're interested in the life and not interested in converting
these are the paradigm shifts, dear human being, that you're starting to see on a day by day basis
if you can title a series or channeling, I will do so, this is not going to be an endurance channel
we wish to give you information energy this day
I would like to start a series called incredible human being
and all started with a simple one honoring of history ,not your history,
but that of the higher self inside you
the history of the kind that you don't hear much about
it if I could some title it would be - how we see you
we've given information how God sees humanity I'm not talking about that, talking about how we see it right now
if you could see what we see, it would change everything.
you change your attitude about who you are you, humans are, what you've done, where you are going.
we see with eyes that have millennium in them all at once
we do not see in this time frame like you do a moment at a time as you hear this, as you might read this later.
we see instead a snapshot of all the life that you are, of all the things it might have happened that you are,
and what you did it before you got here, that's how we see you
see with both eternal a peace of God, the creative energy and is the human that you are, so we see you,
in the history that is here is amazing
and although we have said some of these things before I was to lay it out yet again,
a carpet of honor, roll down the midline on
for you to appreciate, and I bring you this message of the history humanity differently than you ever heard before
you can't start where you think it started, humans like you appeared 200,000 years ago, that's not very long,
and your different than the evolution of the planet, there are those who seen it, there are those who will see it, the finer the instruments become
the more you'll be aware that there is no missing link, because you are separate and completely different from the other mammals on the earth, no animal, no man, is like you,
your DNA reeks with a message that it's not from here, and we told you this before, we challenge the scientists see find diffusing
the 23 instead of the 24, all of the things that show you something happened and it is not through normal evolutionary processes it's counterintuitive to evolutionary processes and that's working to start
I want to paint a picture for you, so that you understand something very critically: you are the new kid on the block in your galaxy, right now as I speak, something is happening,
I cannot reveal to you the details of it for is not clear even to us, for it is simply unraveling as it will
the energies of potentials are at work right now doing something very special
before I tell you what hideous even in a language my partner is not understanding yet
that may review those who seeded you
we spoken of the seven sisters and we spoken of the Pleiadians
and there come a time when humanity will see the potential of this being real instead of mythology or something odd
and take a look at the biology and when they get the invention that is coming it will change everything
we had no clock, we cannot tell you when it's coming but we will tell you this that when you are able to manipulate, creates sustained quantum energy on this planet
you'll have the invention that will change humanity forever and you will mark
the beginning of your civilization from that point
for in this quantum energy that you will be able to create technically you will then be able to tune in on the galaxy
and you'll be able to hear the others
for they are also tuned into one another in a quantum state they know who you are and you will then know who they are
and rather than fear gripping the planet there will be a release and a relief and a rewrite perhaps even of spiritual systems
and the rewrite will honor God but in a different way
the rewrite will understand that the mythology of the garden of a talking snake really are representative of a creative energy when it was time, when humans needed
it the reality of light and dark was given to you just of the allegory, but in a different way, that's your history.
those who planted the seeds on this planet of divinity and you, did it after their change came? A million years before yours.
imagine a civilization on this planet, 1 million years from now in a graduate status what would it be like what would you learn what could you do
all of these things it is far beyond your scope of imagination, how can you explain something you don't?
know how can I talk to George Washington about the Internet? when he does know about electricity or computer?
one thing leads to another, invention to build upon themselves in such a way that if you're not familiar with the grounding of where they came from and how they developed shall have no idea what I'm talking about
surface it to say that one thing leads to another and truth reveals itself in over generations humans change
It took 1 million of your earth years the plieadiens to have a ability to see this planet
200,000 years ago they did it
A hundred thousand before that is when life began on this planet in a significant way, could give you what significant way is that led to you
that here is what I'm talking about there is a plan and process of what we will call galactic evolvement
where certain populations in certain star systems become aware
when life itself can be bottled in a quantum energy transportation is instant
all of these things it is a mailed between biology and technology that I cannot explain to you, it is not robotic,
it is the human being is being able to create with help from technology that they create with inside them
difficult to explain my partner is not getting the picture he cannot anymore the George Washington got the Internet
So let us just say that it existed
when the pliaidians were at a state where we knew what they would do, where they knew, what they would do, this planet started to change in preparation for them
you might say: they passed a marker in their involvement
Now that is what I want to tell you human being:
You’re passing the market right now
it has the potential of their marker a long time from now
but things take a long time to evolve on certain kinds of planets depending upon the sustainability of certain kinds of life
right now I would like to tell you what is going on somewhere else in your galaxy: it is the beginning of those you will seed
the come a time when you will fill the role the pleaidians filled with you
and what we want to tell you which you may find hard to believe is that you were there the seven sister is pleaidians
and now you're here as humans and you will also be part of the next phase, it is endless
and you got the time for it
the plan has that which is energetic and divine sweeps over the galaxy and changes its physics
it changes how it is and what it is, it changes the universe there is a larger picture at hand
and those that you would call for instance, those that are not pleaidians, and you would wonder, what their role is in the galaxy, and you've talked to them and you named them in books are written about them
I wanted tell you: they are the forerunners of the pleaadiens, they seeded each other
that's how that worked, that's the history of humanity
if you could see what we see
the Akashik record that is inside your DNA is Earth-based only, doesn't go back any further than that does it honor the biology and Gaia? so honor the cave creation?
the matter how good your past life reader is she's not going to read you as a pleaidians
She might do something different, is she?
and say so but it's not there to read, it is not there to read! so the history of humanity is longer than you think
But if you could see what we see it starts 200,000 years ago, by 100,000 years you are like you are now
the other kinds of human beings left, there were at least 17 kinds just like all the mammals of the planet create variety and you didn't give you ever thought about it
is only one kind of human being, that is counterintuitive to all of evolution that creates fervidity . there's only one kind, many colors if you want kind.
if you take a look at that, there is an indictment right there that you are not part of Earth involvement
there is no missing link unless you want to go to the seven sisters
and that's what you find it
and that's where we started talking to you, dear ones, we see your history from both sides of the veil, how it is when we talk to before you come in, what we say energetically, what the feelings are, and what you're about.
the incredible human being, in the old energy, how do you think it felt there, dear one, to be part of divinity in the plan of knowing everything that I know on the other side of the veil poised ready to come in?
knowing full well that when you arrived as a human being you have lost almost everything. all knowledge of who you are. all knowledge of God. all you do?
is it you want to go home?
All you knew you search, you find, all your life you search for that, which loves you,
if you know it or the life,
and know become those come along and invite you to their box, but it doesn't satisfy
if it's true, you are wrong wrong ages, speak about the energies of the things you went through.
willingly knowing for well on my side of the veil that when you arrived you might not last very long, lifespan was short
so many of the old souls of the room died on the battlefield you know that, you had to, that was what humanity did.
by the hundreds of thousands how many of you died of plague in the room? Most of you.
You gone through the waves of humanity in every single time you came back I was looked at you and said you doing it again, and you said Yes
What were the potentials of that, why would you do that? that's incredible human being, that is the history we see it,
because you see the consent the conceptual part of what you're doing is part of a big picture that takes you someplace, and I tell you where it takes you and takes you now,
where you were against all odds created a marker that you are going to pass on your way to creating something that no one has predicted except those on the other side of the veil to see the energy I see.
There is celebration on my side of the veil as you push toward this marker,
humans have free choice you can change it on a dime
but the potentials are exactly the ones I saw 20 years ago when I said hello to my partner
and I said consciousness is shifting. weather is shifting. you're not going to be the same as you were yesterday. there is no returning to normal.
because normal is old. normal is old
Your country is in its state right now when you're begging to have this over with, are you not?
To have the economy used to have
for those of you who sit and listen and read who are Americans
you love for the time before, the economy went into the dumper as you would say
how would you feel if I told you there is no going back
instead there is a reworking and a recalibration of normal
and it will pull itself out after some other things happen that you don't expect
you've got to recalibrate the system, the very systemic things, that you think are the basic points of what makes you who you are as an economy, as a country are and that's good news
and that's good news
for it is going to change the better
there's going to be more transparency
and you knew this.
I want to tell you the last thing that I on the other side of the veil I saw
our dear ones, how do I explain this I have said this before, so many times
your history, you know we see is your history
and put it in 2 and 2 places here. I've done this before. I wanted only put in a two-part, number one I talk to the seniors in the second, I talk to the young people
the seniors in the room, when you came into this planet this lifetime and said goodbye to us, it had changed any. you are heading for a decision point that had you burned alive by nuclear war,
and the prophets told you. and your scriptures told you. and it was written in many places even the ancients gave you the potential - this would be. it is over. you failed.
yet the weaponry? it was on his wake, and you came in
that’s the history we see
why would you do that?
and given you this information before but perhaps not in the thinkin’ way? why would you do that?
and I'll tell that - you that because there was a potential down the line thousands of lifetime of raising your consciousness would eventually pay off today
and it has
and it's only been 25 years that you turn that around
and now you're sitting on something that even you did not expect, senior
you got the potential for extended life, you got the potential for peace on the planet, for turning things around in a way that your parents said you couldn't
Why did you come here? when you touch and you die?
and I will tell you that is because on the other side of the veil you have the mind of God
my mind. you see the concept, you see the potentials, you see those around you you don't even know exist
you see the cheering section, you don't know exists
you feel the energy of love that even some of you in the room don't know exists
right now I want to invite the entourage and even before it's time to close
to sit in the aisles and stand there as I make pronouncements and I say you have no idea. how honored you are
you going to do it, that's the potential, it's never change, senior
now to the young person: you come in an energy that is brand-new,
it was not expected. what I said goodbye to you. as an old soul. from my side of the veil. to this one.
I say, as odd as it might seem: you're the one that's going to have to do the hardest work.
paradigm shift, comes with a price,
and I said yesterday in a private channeling: a word I want to give it to you now
and you can remember it because it's funny
and it's going to be the paradigm that you don't have to live with and work with it and I want call it suck
slow uncomfortable change slow uncomfortable change
and that's because there is no total complete collapse and feel your insight, that can change, it is how we see you
so the young person in the room is going to have to deal with something that the senior did not
1 foot in the old energy, 1 foot in the new, straddling it with wisdom and patience
and by the way. Senior. that's not what you did in the 60s.
you blasted forth to do any good, it's different today.
how do we see you?
the incredible human being, the history that is here 200,000 years that's nothing
watch find it odd, we seen this before, watch find it odd that he is oldest, as the galaxy is it's all the same age, that it took this long for humans to appear?
you might see that, giant hand holding everything back
the actual start of microbial life started five times before they got it right , millions of millions of years while other worlds had their civilizations you are looking at amoeba is trying to get it right
for synthesis occurred last-minute save the day
start looking at the biology the planet, the history of planet
doesn't really make sense that you'd be last-minute
with an earth this old to have humanity happen only at the last possible moment is counterintuitive. it's part of a plan.
I say it again: there someone else, somewhere else starting right now
because you past the marker,
is the same scenario, and they'll be the new kid on the block next
and yes, I'll sit in front of them, if and when they changed the consciousness of their world like you have
see you all
of these times that you come ,in such an honor to sip with family.
your parents knew this day, did you know that?
on my side of the veil they looked at the potentials and they saw that they could be, they were not the strongest, but they could be,
they came into the planet we said this before knowing that they would probably meet one another ,the synchronicity would create the seed which is you,
that some of them were giving a bad time,
someone would die only
and that you passed the torch
how a back feel
I'm looking at it right now because I see the potential of the young born
I see your potential next time, I told some of you, which are going to do, that is your history,
I want to give you the big picture and I just did, that's what we see, that's what we see.
incredible human being, the history that is not the reality that you see but the reality we see.
It is a family member who is change the very fabric of the galaxy through eons of time
with some of you would call sacrifice, there is a system here that you don't know about and you don't understand and you wouldn't agree with.
there's 200,000 human beings, that we faced off with, almost 300,000 human beings, before they came in, and we told them this:
you are going to come in and there's going to be a purpose you can achieve and it is not going to be pleasant but it's been a change the planet forever.
And some of you are going to be kids and when the earthquake happened and the waters come in and you’d be drowned,
the world would turn its eyes upon you and don't be a compassionate way that will change the crystalline grid forever and push this planet even closer toward that which is what we call peace on earth.
and you said: “I am going” and they said: “I am going”
that's the history we see, this your history
when I just told you is that some things but the potentials of unknowing, the cycle that you see a weather before you has created the volcanoes, the earthquakes, this tsunamis, and there is the potential of where you live, you know the rest of the story,
Kryon, you told me they knew about it in advance not as humans
but I'm not talking about human history – I’m talking about humans as we see them on both sides of the veil, that’s the incredible human,
and they came anyway,
and they accomplished what they accomplished and they did
they saw for the human being as a potential you're going to die in a way that you never even imagine so horrible
falling from the first floor by design you get a jump
and they did
along with a couple of thousand others
and you know what I mean?
for the potential of 9/11 was known.
very well known
and it took place on schedule
and every those even here would not understand this, but I speak to you,
in metaphysical ways, in compassionate ways that one event, put compassion on this planet with moments of its knowing all around the world and that move to the earth,
and the crystalline grid was changed yet again
the outpouring of compassion because of what those seeds showed one never be forgotten and changed everything
and the irony is that it took terrorism to create it,
that is an old energy. that is what's going away.
what I'm telling you, dear human being, is that the old paradigms even the dark one have come together to create a confluence of positive change on this planet,
sometimes you take two steps, sometimes you take one, sometimes it's two forward and one back
but at the end of the day you’d cross the marker.
I give you this information even as advanced as it may be, so that all will hear it and know there is a plan, that you come in willingly
now turn the page in order to close.
Old souls did not come here to die.
old souls need to stay on the planet, the ones in this room need to stay here,
extend the life as much as you can
using what we give you, using the new inventions that are coming your way,
not drawing a demarcation line between that which is science and that which is religious or spiritual and using everything
with discernment will extend your life.
be circumspect and wise and know that some of these things that you would call science are directly from the creator, given to you to save your life.
we need your light and we need you to stay
I speak to the , speak to those who would tune in and listen to this or read these words.
very footsteps on the planet of your wisdom changes all slowly and incrementally
you are needed, and when you leave your return
I'll tell you why
you can return because you're going to return with a different instinct of humanity, you go to return with the knowledge that you've learned this time around and you will awaken early by yourselves
you will not have to go through what you've gone through this time,
it is that nice to hear that
it will be instinct that you are a piece of the creator, this is new and it's called the evolution of DNA.
I am giving you much here, some of what I gave before, someone which is new, in the package I wanted you to hear,
why eyes is Kryon and those around me
I am in love with you
if you could see what we see, you know exactly why we feel like we do,
you can't and you won't for it is all hidden from you in certain ways so that pre-choice will be yours to make
without the influence of second and third and fourth and fifth site
and that even makes it more special when we look at you and we say: even without what we know you walk the path
and you trust the path
and you love the unseen and that is good enough for us
it's working
do not be dismayed by things that seem to go backwards that might occur
see them in the grander scheme of a longer timeframe that marches forward slowly to a marker where you will have peace
it is in the works
how soon?
I cannot tell you
for it will develop as it develops and be created to your free choice but the ball is unstoppable.
that's where it's going
and that's what we wanted to tell you
not filled with information as much as it is filled with gratitude, with love, with purpose, which you know when you leave, you’re not alone,
you can't be, it's impossible
where there with you the whole time
we wouldn't have it any other way
and so it is

Re: "Your History as We See It" SARASOTA, FLORIDA

Добавлено: 13 апр 2013 03:01
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Re: "Your History as We See It" SARASOTA, FLORIDA

Добавлено: 13 апр 2013 16:04
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